Among the many events this party animal has graced this year, the one that will stand out is our Company’s Annual D&D. It captured my imagination, the moment my escort and I, arrived at the venue. The faces that greeted us were brimming with excitement, contagious to say the least. Their greetings were warm, inviting and festive.
We were led through the evening’s proceedings by an indomitable emcee, who charmed us all with his quick wit and poise. His humour lasted the entire evening, getting everyone rollicking in laughter. He was indeed a one-man show in itself; hat’s off to him.
The “stars’ that put on the evening’s entertainment far exceeded all expectations; right from the opening dance number presented by our bevy of beauties and my you should have seen how they grooved! They were truly a sight to behold. Our singing trio and their medley of songs charmed the audience with their brand of harmony and musical dexterity, added a soft touch to the occasion. Even the games played, were creative and out of the ordinary. It not only entertained but challenged all inhibitions and barriers one would associate with such Company-like events. The one which had the dancers in shades, certainly rivalled “Dancing With The Stars”. A standing ovation to all those who bravely participated in the games.
Everyone went home a winner that night, regardless whether you had won a prize from the bountiful “Lucky Draw”. Our prize was in being so richly entertained, in never being so happy, being with people whose company you treasure, and especially to be part of an organisation that empowers and values its people.
To our management who is committed in developing its people, we have nothing but heartfelt gratitude for you in our hearts. To the people who had put together the evening’s programme, we have all to thank for; to our redoubtable emcee for keeping us on our toes throughout the evening, the event would have been much poorer without, you. Finally, to Carrelle & RR, thank you for brining the house down with your action-packed group activity, it truly put us all in the mood. Regretfully, some of us were unable to be there with us to share the joy and love that permeated, maybe we’ll see you the next time!
Until we meet again at our next company event, chin up and stay bright and positive.
~ Maurice Phillips ~
I enjoyed the fabulous Dinner & Dance very much. The emcee was amazing that he brought laughter to almost everyone. The senior management was very game to put up an “R-rated” performance on stage. The best part was the “Extreme Musical Chair” that got everyone involved in the game. The food was yummy and the top prizes were worth waiting for. Kudos to the organizing committee and the management for this memorable Dinner & Dance in 2010!!
~ April Lim, CCPE from Nanyang Junior College ~
Aspire! Dinner & Dance 2010 was very entertaining. The emcee was very humorous & did an awesome job in engaging almost everyone! The games and performances were delightful; especially the most astonishing and side-splitting performance by the senior management and the interestingly planned "Extreme Musical Chair" was definitely an attention-grabbing segment. Thumbs up to the organizing committee and the management for organizing this wonderful event. It really created the high-spirit mood that suited to welcoming the New Year!
~ Rathai K.M, CCPE from St Andrew's Sec Sch ~
2010 Dinner & Dance or should I call it Dinner and Games was a memorable one. Despite not winning any of the lucky draws, I still enjoyed myself thoroughly. The emcee, Sufian, was great! He managed to engage the audience with his funny antics. Programme wise was good as the games played were super fun and I’m pretty sure all of us had fun that night! Food was great! Oh well, we all were hungry and we really gobbled our food while waiting for the next item to be presented. The best part of the D&D was the door gift. It was really something practical for us to use! Kudos to the 2010 D&D Committee Members for making the event happening! Truly Aspireans! Incredibly Awesome! J
~ Zubaidah, HQ ~
Please accept my heartiest Congratulations for a tremendous job well done! Do send my regards to all our team members for the same too!
~ Jerome Teo, GM of Aspire! Career & Management Services ~
Congratulations to you and the whole organizing committee.. It was such a fun-filled experience..
We didn’t know that our CCPEs were such great performers until the DND! J Sufian was a good emcee! J
~ Audrey Domingo, HQ ~